In like a Lion, out like a lamb.

In like a Lion, out like a lamb.

This is the month of March … the month of the vernal equinox, pagan fertility rights and the month of transition fabled in song and story to various wildlife. The lion and lamb analogy is not very accurate, neither historically nor metaphorically. First, lions are not cold, windy or dismal. Lions – even mountain lions – thrive in warmer climates. The African lion that everyone usually thinks of when the word “lion” is spoken is subtropical and would be a better representative of August, which are hot, dry and lazy – exactly what lions are. Unfortunately, the days August have been relegated to the dogs even though dogs enjoy the winter far more than lions. Lambs are only appropriate in so far as they are generally eaten in greater quantities around the end of March, which coincides with the Easter season. If we follow the same lines, maybe we should be eating lion stew to celebrate the change of seasons.

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